HOT OFF THE PRESS!! Cameron Mason kicks off this event performing at 12 noon till 2pm, followed by Doug Bruce and the Tailgators at 2 pm - 5 pm. Christmas is a time of goodwill and giving so get behind this great outdoor event for Very Special Kids a Victorian charity providing a range of counselling and support services to families caring for a child diagnosed with a life-threatening illness. Following the death of a child families are supported through the bereavement support program. They also operate Very Special Kids House an eight bed children’s hospice, providing planned and emergency respite and end-of-life care.

Very Special Kids was established in 1985 after two families recognised there was a need to support other families experiencing the loss and grief associated with having a child diagnosed with a life-threatening illness.

This special charity relies on your support to fund this free-of-charge service to families. Some good news is that the Stamford Hotel on the corner of Stud Road and Wellington Roads, Rowville is having a Family Country Fair to support the 'Very Specail Kids' Charity on November 18th between 12 and 5 pm.

Put this date in your diary now and come along to have great family day with lots of fun activities and some great music provided by Doug Bruce and the Tailgators.


Animal farm – Pony rides – Whip cracking

Gumboot throwing – Bucking bull – Hay maze

Tractor display – Wood chopping – Carnival rides

Sausage sizzle = Sportsman Bar open for meals

FREE Entry

Rides $1

Proceeds from rides and sausage sizzle to VSK

Learn More about Very Special Kids

The Stamford Hotel

Doug Bruce and the Tailgators

The perfect song for a summers night ride to Kissing Point. LETS JUST GO WITH IT is the second single from Luke’s sophomore TRUTH IS SIMPLE. Written by Jerry Salley (Reba McEntire & Patty Loveless) & Chris Stapleton (Kenny Chesney & Trace Atkins)

LUKE AUSTEN is currently on tour with 2008 Australian Idol Runner-up & 2011 Toyota Star Maker winner LUKE DICKENS

I'm Donna, a photographer who's having a love affair with country music. Since I'm passionate about both photography and music, it just made sense to pick a career that keeps me actively involved in both. I've been taking photographs for 13 years and I'm still going at it with a passion.

I've been to and keep on attending country music festivals, meeting the stars, taking photographs of the concerts, the crowds and the fun. In 2009, my photo of Liam Brew and Jasmine Rae on tour at the Pioneer Country Music Village was published in Capital News Magazine.That same year, I worked the Tamworth CMF and the Amanda Halloran concert at Caboolture. I covered the concert of Col Finley and took all the photographs for his last album cover, using the pics I took on the Gold Coast shoot.

In 2010, I took the portraits of Tracey Davis, photos of her birthday dinner and her concert at Southport. That year, I covered the Tamworth CMF, Ballina CMF, Redlands-Strawberry Festival, and the Caboolture Urban Festival.

2011 saw me covering the Tamworth CMF and taking the photographs for the album launches of Adam Toms and Connie Kis Andersen, an album shoot for Renee McAlpin, a promo shoot for 8 Ball Aitken, and a calendar shoot for Meet 'n Greet Country. I also covered the concerts of Catherine Britt and James Blundell in Nerang and Jimboomba.

In the course of my love affair with country music, I've worked with Luke O'Shea, Leo Sayer and the Prairie Oysters. I'm the official photographer for Camp Autism events, and for the up-and-coming Melbourne country artist Chris Lee. I'm proud to mention that I was voted Most Popular Photographer of the Meet 'n Greet Country Awards, have been featured in the Bundaberg Local News in the lead up to the launch of the album of Pete O'Brien. The Dayboro News used one of the photos I gave to Seleen McAlister for the fundraising concert to send her to Nashville. This got me appointed as official photographer for the event.

More recently, I took these photographs of the Mud Bulls & Music Festival which has become more and more popular since it started 11 years ago. It's the only festival that includes camping and main concerts at a low price of $250 a person for 4 days and nights. It features the best country musicians and artists with special focus on indie artists. Aside from the reasonable price, I just love the atmosphere and I think the organizers could teach the major festivals a thing or two.

At Donna's Photography, I work with you on all the details to make sure that every picture captures a moment you'll treasure forever.

Nellie Donovan, Col Finley, Adam Toms, Lee Forster, Tigerlilly, Adam Kilpatrick, Dan Murphy, Chris Staff, Tracy Killeen, Seleen McAliister, Dave Moore, Harmony James

The Boyup Brook Country Music Festival is Western Australia’s premier Country Music Festival. Five big days of music, fun and laughter. The 2013 event will see Kasey Chambers and Adam Harvey taking the stage amongst other artists.

This event is particularly important to Western Australia as it is the biggest and most successful country music festival.

The festival attracts all ages, providing a friendly atmosphere of entertainment and a great weekend away.

With public support the event has grown from a one day festival to a five day refreshingly authentic country music extravaganza. This brings the grass roots of country music to Boyup Brook, where followers can experience a blend of national artists and original artists from Western Australia in a friendly, country setting. Then, winding down on the Sunday with a traditional Bush Poets' Breakfast and great music.

Boyup Brook Ute & Truck Muster

The Boyup Ute & Truck Muster is a local event run and organised by local volunteers. 2013 will be the 10th Annual Ute & Truck Muster, which is run in conjunction with the Boyup Brook Country Music Festival. more information