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James Kenyon at Moreland City Band Hall
Friday 14 December 2018 - 07:30pm
Moreland City Band Hall
16-22 Cross St
East Brunswick

James Kenyon CD Launch.jpg

James Kenyon and band launch their live album at the Moreland City Band Hall and have a jolly good Christmas Party while they're at it.

Recorded over two shows at the Merri Creek Tavern in September 2018, James Kenyon's live album feature his ASTONISHINGLY GOOD band comprising of Holly Thomas on THE TUBS, Luke Richardson on the STAND UP BASS and Matt Dixon on the TIME SPACE BENDER (pedal steel guitar)

Kenyon will be supported by the brilliant Loni Rae Thomson with her BAND and the mercurial Damon Smith on the GRAND PIANO.

Recorded and mixed by Nick Huggins, by golly is it good. And what better way to launch it than to play another show?

This will be our last Melbourne show for a while so GET ON BOARD.