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Rob Ickes and Trey Hensley at Ferntree Gully Bowling Club
Tuesday 22 November 2016 - 08:00pm
Ferntree Gully Bowling Club
Glenfern Road
Upper Ferntree Gully
$30.00 ($25 mpa members)

Rob Ickes and Trey Henesly.jpg

ROB ICKES & TREY HENSLEY. This unique collaborative effort between two uniquely gifted musicians is bound to be a revelation to traditional music fans on several counts. Rob Ickes is a longtime, well-established instrumental giant, and Trey Hensley is newly arrived in Music City, bursting with talent both as a vocalist and guitarist.

Book a table in the event room through the Ferntree Gully Bowling Club - 9753 5888. Any further questions you can contact the President of the Mountain Pickers Association,  Jim Golding on 0418 647 180.

$25 MPA members, $30 everyone else.

Rob Ickes and Trey Hensley

Ferntree Gully Bowls Club